Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just Two Things for Now

Two things today:

1. Pizza places with jumbo slices are scamming me. It used to be that pizza cost 1.00 to 1.50 a slice. Hell it still costs that much if you buy the whole pie. Nowadays a lot of places have slices that start at 3.00 for cheese and god knows how much extra for toppings.
Nobody complains because the slices are huge. Nobody until today. Today I complain because I can see though this bullshit. They are charging twice as much money for twice as much pizza. "What's the problem", you may ask. The problem is that I don't what twice the pizza, I end up throwing half of it out. The above pictured Unicorn is having the same feelings as me and is giving the establishment the hoof.

2. Nalgenes

This is a bit of a Mix because Nalgenes do have some good qualities. They are really hard to break and they hold a liter of water which is nice on a day where you would drink more then half a liter of water. But I think the company got caught up in its product's unbreakableness and forgot to test its drinkability.
Here's a fun scenario: Your on a road trip though Death Vally and your thirsty so you crack open a Nalgene full of water and attempt to take a sip. Guess how much of the sip ends up on your shirt. If you guessed 'a good amount' then your right.
There are two design flaws that work together to allow this to happen so easily. The most important is the fact that Nalgenes have a huge diameter hole to drink though. Your standard nipple style water bottle has a hole that's less than a centimeter in diameter, your standard nipple even less. There is no reason that a water bottle should be so big as to not allow your lips to envelop the whole thing. Because of that an unexpected water that comes rushing to the top goes all over your front.
Which brings us to our second design flaw. The problem with having the bottle narrow only slightly is that there is now a lot more water at the front of the bottle then there would be if it was just a cylinder. The upshot of this is that the slightest bump or miscalculation will send water cascading down your shirt.

Think I'm crazy? Not persuaded by my arguments? Than check this out: splashguard. This is third-party product designed to help you drink from a Nalgene. I have actually seen people use this.
Here's the thing: If you have a product that has one sole purpose, and to do that you need your customers to buy a third-party add on, your product is probably not designed to well.

P.S. You'll never guess how much lunch went today.


  1. Ah my son. You are fighting not the Nalgene company but the the populace of a country that goes for super-sized everything.

  2. Updated Thursday and Monday doesn't make sense. It should be the other way around. Monday comes before Thursday in the week and it should come before Thursday on the subtitle.

    And you didn't update Monday or Thursday. I demand a unicorn.

  3. I for one support the larger slices so people like you will give people like me their leftovers.

  4. i have a gripe about the nalgene bottles. when you stick them in the freezer, the bottoms bulge out, even if the bottle is not full. and when you drop one after it has been in the freezer, it WILL break when you drop it. and the stinkin' cap cracks me in the nose while drinking at times. but i still carry one since i hate spending $1.50 per small water bottle. grrrrr.
